5 Tips for Getting Back on Track After an Unhealthy Weekend
Hi lovelies! Had a big long weekend and looking to get back on track? I know the feeling! So today, I’m sharing my top five tips for getting back on the healthy bandwagon, without the need for cleanses, detoxes, fasting, dieting and all that jazz! I hope these tips help you feel amazing again!
- Have 3 big healthy satiating meals and less snacking.
Try to have 3 healthy filling meals (protein, fats, fiber) in your day and limit your snacking. Fill your body with all your essential nutrients and vitamins so that it can re-stabilize after that big weekend. I would also suggest to eat every 3–4 hours without any snacking in between to allow your body to fully digest between meals.
2. Plan out your 3 healthy wholesome meals + snacks
Planning out your healthy meals ahead of time reduces stress around food and it makes your healthy eating a priority. Do not restrict yourself when getting back on track, rather focus on healthy nourishing meals with wholefoods.
3. Drink a lot of water!
We both know the importance of drinking water in a day! Water boosts your metabolism, helps the body properly break down food, it is a detoxifyer that helps flush out all toxins and get rid of waste. Aim to drink 2–3L daily!
4. Sleep!
If you’ve had a good night’s sleep, you’re much less likely to reach for sugary options in front of you to provide a quick burst of energy or a pick-me-up, and more able to make healthy choices. Aim for 7–9 hours each and every night, and notice the difference! Not only that, you’ll feel naturally more energized, and will be supporting your metabolism!
5. Go for a walk.
Get that body moving! Just 20 minutes of walking will elevate your mood, boost your metabolism an create more motivation in your day. It’s something so simple but yet so effective. It’s a perfect way to kick start you week!
I hope these tips help, and remember the most important thing is to remember that indulging is okay! Forgive yourself and move on, and be your best self going forwards! I believe in you!
Elisa xx