Why My AM Routine Is So Important To Me?

Elisa Alarie
3 min readOct 28, 2020


My morning routine truly is SUPER important to me and is something I have always encouraged my clients to implement.

How you start your morning sets the tone for the day. I know we’ve all heard that one before… But it’s SO TRUE. It truly has a ripple effect on your health habits for the rest of the day and in my experience, helps reduce stress levels and anxious thoughts. Everyone’s morning routine will look different and that’s ok! It’s all about doing what works for you personally. I try to set aside 30–60 minutes where possible but some days I can only squeeze in 10 but trust me, it all makes a difference.

To provide you with a little bit of inspiration for what a stress-reducing morning looks like today I’m sharing my personal routine:

  1. I make my bed.

First things first, I make my bed! Making your bed first thing in the morning will increase your productivity for the day. “What’s the big deal about making your bed?” Well, it may be an easy task, but accomplishing any task first thing in the morning is the best and most productive way to start your day. As it gives you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task. Getting into this keystone habit can trigger other positive behaviors.

2. Avoid social media.

This one has truly made the biggest difference in my life! The most important thing I do is NOT check social media until I officially start work for the day. Waking up and hitting yourself with your Instagram feed or emails only increases cortisol and anxiety. It is not healthy to start your day on this note. I actually keep my phone on airplane mode until I’m done with my morning routine.

3. Drink a tall glass of water.

Sometimes I drink a whole litre of water in the morning as I know I tend to forget to drink water throughout my work day. It gets me that much closer to my 2–3L goal! It’s essential to re-hydrate your body first thing in the AM.

4. Morning gratitude practice.

Gratitude is one of the most powerful human emotions, but most of us don’t do enough to harness it. I wake up at 7–8 and I after my glass of water and making my bed, I get into my journal. I’ll take the time to list out 5 things that I’m deeply grateful for TODAY. When you take the time to practice gratitude intentionally every day, a grateful mindset will become a habit and you might find that your life improves dramatically. Being thankful for what you have helps you to shed any negativity you’re carrying around and open yourself up to the positive side of life.

I recommend “The 5 Minute Journal”.

5. List out priorities for the day.

I’m definitely one to plan my day the night before which is SUPER important in my opinion to stay organized, focused and motivated (will talk about that another time).

In the AM, I like to list out my top 3 priorities for the day, create them as daily goals so that I make sure that I complete these tasks.

6. Gentle movement.

When I have time I do 10–20 mins of movement either stretching, yoga or a walk. I tune into my body and listen to what it feels like. This wakes up the body gently and creates motivation for your day. Moving my body first thing in the morning puts me in the right mindset!

7. A nourishing breakfast + Vitamins.

I then make a breakfast that must include all the important nutrients to keep me full and energized. My go-to these days are nutritious smoothies, omelette + avocado, chia pudding or oatmeal. With my breakfast I take my vitamins which support energy production, gut health and immune system function. I take Vitamin D, Omega 3, Probiotic and Zinc.

OH! And.. By the way, I put on slow jazz music every morning during this routine. It immediately puts me in a peaceful state! Thought I’d add this one in. ;)

And NOW it’s work time! I’m ready to begin my work day feeling energized, nourished and focused. What does your morning routine look like?



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